vegan - Community Ecology Package

Ordination methods, diversity analysis and other functions for community and vegetation ecologists.

Last updated 7 days ago


19.41 score 472 stars 440 dependents 15k scripts 121k downloads

Claddis - Measuring Morphological Diversity and Evolutionary Tempo

Measures morphological diversity from discrete character data and estimates evolutionary tempo on phylogenetic trees. Imports morphological data from #NEXUS (Maddison et al. (1997) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/46.4.590>) format with read_nexus_matrix(), and writes to both #NEXUS and TNT format (Goloboff et al. (2008) <doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.2008.00217.x>). Main functions are test_rates(), which implements AIC and likelihood ratio tests for discrete character rates introduced across Lloyd et al. (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01460.x>, Brusatte et al. (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.08.034>, Close et al. (2015) <doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.06.047>, and Lloyd (2016) <doi:10.1111/bij.12746>, and calculate_morphological_distances(), which implements multiple discrete character distance metrics from Gower (1971) <doi:10.2307/2528823>, Wills (1998) <doi:10.1006/bijl.1998.0255>, Lloyd (2016) <doi:10.1111/bij.12746>, and Hopkins and St John (2018) <doi:10.1098/rspb.2018.1784>. This also includes the GED correction from Lehmann et al. (2019) <doi:10.1111/pala.12430>. Multiple functions implement morphospace plots: plot_chronophylomorphospace() implements Sakamoto and Ruta (2012) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039752>, plot_morphospace() implements Wills et al. (1994) <doi:10.1017/S009483730001263X>, plot_changes_on_tree() implements Wang and Lloyd (2016) <doi:10.1098/rspb.2016.0214>, and plot_morphospace_stack() implements Foote (1993) <doi:10.1017/S0094837300015864>. Other functions include safe_taxonomic_reduction(), which implements Wilkinson (1995) <doi:10.1093/sysbio/44.4.501>, map_dollo_changes() implements the Dollo stochastic character mapping of Tarver et al. (2018) <doi:10.1093/gbe/evy096>, and estimate_ancestral_states() implements the ancestral state options of Lloyd (2018) <doi:10.1111/pala.12380>. calculate_tree_length() and reconstruct_ancestral_states() implements the generalised algorithms from Swofford and Maddison (1992; no doi).

Last updated 6 months ago

7.81 score 13 stars 2 dependents 77 scripts 788 downloads

paleotree - Paleontological and Phylogenetic Analyses of Evolution

Provides tools for transforming, a posteriori time-scaling, and modifying phylogenies containing extinct (i.e. fossil) lineages. In particular, most users are interested in the functions timePaleoPhy, bin_timePaleoPhy, cal3TimePaleoPhy and bin_cal3TimePaleoPhy, which date cladograms of fossil taxa using stratigraphic data. This package also contains a large number of likelihood functions for estimating sampling and diversification rates from different types of data available from the fossil record (e.g. range data, occurrence data, etc). paleotree users can also simulate diversification and sampling in the fossil record using the function simFossilRecord, which is a detailed simulator for branching birth-death-sampling processes composed of discrete taxonomic units arranged in ancestor-descendant relationships. Users can use simFossilRecord to simulate diversification in incompletely sampled fossil records, under various models of morphological differentiation (i.e. the various patterns by which morphotaxa originate from one another), and with time-dependent, longevity-dependent and/or diversity-dependent rates of diversification, extinction and sampling. Additional functions allow users to translate simulated ancestor-descendant data from simFossilRecord into standard time-scaled phylogenies or unscaled cladograms that reflect the relationships among taxon units.

Last updated 8 months ago

7.52 score 21 stars 2 dependents 216 scripts 1.2k downloads

ouch - Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Models for Phylogenetic Comparative Hypotheses

Fit and compare Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for evolution along a phylogenetic tree.

Last updated 4 months ago


6.87 score 15 stars 4 dependents 68 scripts 860 downloads

strap - Stratigraphic Tree Analysis for Palaeontology

Functions for the stratigraphic analysis of phylogenetic trees.

Last updated 6 months ago

5.89 score 1 stars 3 dependents 73 scripts 1.2k downloads

hilldiv - Integral Analysis of Diversity Based on Hill Numbers

Tools for analysing, comparing, visualising and partitioning diversity based on Hill numbers. 'hilldiv' is an R package that provides a set of functions to assist analysis of diversity for diet reconstruction, microbial community profiling or more general ecosystem characterisation analyses based on Hill numbers, using OTU/ASV tables and associated phylogenetic trees as inputs. The package includes functions for (phylo)diversity measurement, (phylo)diversity profile plotting, (phylo)diversity comparison between samples and groups, (phylo)diversity partitioning and (dis)similarity measurement. All of these grounded in abundance-based and incidence-based Hill numbers. The statistical framework developed around Hill numbers encompasses many of the most broadly employed diversity (e.g. richness, Shannon index, Simpson index), phylogenetic diversity (e.g. Faith's PD, Allen's H, Rao's quadratic entropy) and dissimilarity (e.g. Sorensen index, Unifrac distances) metrics. This enables the most common analyses of diversity to be performed while grounded in a single statistical framework. The methods are described in Jost et al. (2007) <DOI:10.1890/06-1736.1>, Chao et al. (2010) <DOI:10.1098/rstb.2010.0272> and Chiu et al. (2014) <DOI:10.1890/12-0960.1>; and reviewed in the framework of molecularly characterised biological systems in Alberdi & Gilbert (2019) <DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.13014>.

Last updated 4 years ago

4.35 score 11 stars 41 scripts 318 downloads

TreeSim - Simulating Phylogenetic Trees

Simulation methods for phylogenetic trees where (i) all tips are sampled at one time point or (ii) tips are sampled sequentially through time. (i) For sampling at one time point, simulations are performed under a constant rate birth-death process, conditioned on having a fixed number of final tips (, or a fixed age (, or a fixed age and number of tips ( When conditioning on the number of final tips, the method allows for shifts in rates and mass extinction events during the birth-death process (sim.rateshift.taxa()). The function (and sim.rateshift.taxa() without extinction) allow the speciation rate to change in a density-dependent way. The LTT plots of the simulations can be displayed using LTT.plot(), LTT.plot.gen() and LTT.average.root(). TreeSim further samples trees with n final tips from a set of trees generated by the common sampling algorithm stopping when a fixed number m>>n of tips is first reached (sim.gsa.taxa()). This latter method is appropriate for m-tip trees generated under a big class of models (details in the sim.gsa.taxa() man page). For incomplete phylogeny, the missing speciation events can be added through simulations (corsim()). (ii) sim.rateshifts.taxa() is generalized to sim.bdsky.stt() for serially sampled trees, where the trees are conditioned on either the number of sampled tips or the age. Furthermore, for a multitype-branching process with sequential sampling, trees on a fixed number of tips can be simulated using sim.bdtypes.stt.taxa(). This function further allows to simulate under epidemiological models with an exposed class. The function sim.genespeciestree() simulates coalescent gene trees within birth-death species trees, and sim.genetree() simulates coalescent gene trees.

Last updated 6 years ago


4.16 score 1 stars 3 dependents 162 scripts 946 downloads

TreePar - Estimating Birth and Death Rates Based on Phylogenies

(i) For a given species phylogeny on present day data which is calibrated to calendar-time, a method for estimating maximum likelihood speciation and extinction processes is provided. The method allows for non-constant rates. Rates may change (1) as a function of time, i.e. rate shifts at specified times or mass extinction events (likelihood implemented as LikShifts(), optimization as bd.shifts.optim() and visualized as bd.shifts.plot()) or (2) as a function of the number of species, i.e. density-dependence (likelihood implemented as LikDD() and optimization as bd.densdep.optim()) or (3) extinction rate may be a function of species age (likelihood implemented as LikAge() and optimization as bd.age.optim.matlab()). Note that the methods take into account the whole phylogeny, in particular it accounts for the "pull of the present" effect. (1-3) can take into account incomplete species sampling, as long as each species has the same probability of being sampled. For a given phylogeny on higher taxa (i.e. all but one species per taxa are missing), where the number of species is known within each higher taxa, speciation and extinction rates can be estimated under model (1) (implemented within LikShifts() and bd.shifts.optim() with groups !=0). (ii) For a given phylogeny with sequentially sampled tips, e.g. a virus phylogeny, rates can be estimated under a model where rates vary across time using bdsky.stt.optim() based on likelihood LikShiftsSTT() (extending LikShifts() and bd.shifts.optim()). Furthermore, rates may vary as a function of host types using LikTypesSTT() (multitype branching process extending functions in R package diversitree). This function can furthermore calculate the likelihood under an epidemiological model where infected individuals are first exposed and then infectious.

Last updated 9 years ago

2.63 score 43 scripts 117 downloads

extendedSurface - Fit Complex Multi-OU Models by Extending SURFACE and Providing an Interface with OUwie

Multi Ornstein Uhlenbeck (OUM) models are routinely employed to describe the phenotypic evolution of clades across a macroevolutionary adaptive landscape. Multiple implementations exist, including those that require an a priori assigment of lineages to adaptive regimes (e.g., OUwie), and those that infer the location of such regimes shifts (e.g., SURFACE). However, SURFACE has been found to favor overly complex models, which is likely a consequence of fixing a single rate of evolution and force of attraction for the entire tree. Although these parameters can be optimized for each regime by using the SURFACE output as the set of regime shifts required by OUwie, such complex models often fail to be optimized. extendedSurface provides a solution by continuing the backwards phase of SURFACE, merging regimes and generating simpler (yet suboptimal) multiOU models. These are then fed to OUwie, where parameters for each regime can be independetly optimized. Using simpler OUM models as starting points improves the probability of successful model fitting. The resulting models are more realistic, and have been found to be favored over others using empirical comparative datasets. The package allows the user to decide which models should be fit (OUMA, OUMV, OUMVA, with and without stationary root state), and plots the fit of these against those explored by SURFACE to easily compare model fit. Additionally, several approaches to record and plot the evolutionary dynamics of discrete traits through time are also implemented.

Last updated 4 years ago

2.30 score 4 stars