Package: entropart 1.6-15.9000

Eric Marcon

entropart: Entropy Partitioning to Measure Diversity

Measurement and partitioning of diversity, based on Tsallis entropy, following Marcon and Herault (2015) <doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i08>. 'entropart' provides functions to calculate alpha, beta and gamma diversity of communities, including phylogenetic and functional diversity. Estimation-bias corrections are available.

Authors:Eric Marcon [aut, cre], Bruno Herault [aut]

entropart.pdf |entropart.html
entropart/json (API)

# Install 'entropart' in R:
install.packages('entropart', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • EightSpAbundance - Abundances of 8 species to run examples.
  • EightSpTree - Functional tree with 8 species.
  • Paracou618.Functional - Functional tree of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  • Paracou618.MC - Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  • Paracou618.Taxonomy - Taxonomy (Family - Genus - Species) of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  • Paracou618.dist - Functional distances between pairs of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.




7.81 score 9 stars 1 packages 115 scripts 1.4k downloads 17 mentions 102 exports 79 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:24afa204f0. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: no.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-winOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 01 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKMar 01 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 01 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 01 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 01 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 01 2025




Rendered fromentropart.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 01 2025.

Last update: 2023-07-14
Started: 2018-11-29

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Help pageTopics
Entropy Partitioning to Measure Diversityentropart-package entropart
Abundance Frequency Count of a CommunityAbdFreqCount
Diversity autoplot.AccumCurve DivAC EntAC is.AccumCurve plot.AccumCurve
Phylogenetic Entropy of a CommunityAllenH
Reduced-bias alpha diversity of a metacommunityAlphaDiversity
Reduced-bias alpha entropy of a metacommunityAlphaEntropy
Reduced-bias beta diversity of a metacommunityBetaDiversity
Reduced-bias beta entropy of a metacommunityBetaEntropy
Phylogenetic Diversity of a CommunityChaoPD
Diversity or Entropy Profile of a communityas.CommunityProfile autoplot.CommunityProfile CEnvelope CommunityProfile is.CommunityProfile plot.CommunityProfile
Sample coverage of a communityCoverage Coverage2Size
Hill number of a communitybcDiversity Diversity Diversity.AbdVector Diversity.integer Diversity.numeric Diversity.ProbaVector
Diversity Estimation of a metacommunityautoplot.DivEst DivEst is.DivEst plot.DivEst summary.DivEst
Diversity Partition of a metacommunityautoplot.DivPart DivPart is.DivPart plot.DivPart summary.DivPart
Diversity Profile of a metacommunityautoplot.DivProfile DivProfile is.DivProfile plot.DivProfile summary.DivProfile
Similarity-based diversity of a communitybcDqz Dqz Dqz.AbdVector Dqz.integer Dqz.numeric Dqz.ProbaVector
Abundances of 8 species to run examples.EightSpAbundance
Functional tree with 8 species.EightSpTree
Grassberger's expectation of n^qEnq
Entropy of Monte-Carlo simulated communitiesEntropyCI
Exponential of order qexpq expq.CommunityProfile
Reduced-bias gamma diversity of a metacommunityGammaDiversity
Reduced-bias gamma entropy of a metacommunityGammaEntropy
Generalized Simpson's Entropy and DiversitybcGenSimpson bcGenSimpsonD GenSimpson GenSimpson.AbdVector GenSimpson.integer GenSimpson.numeric GenSimpson.ProbaVector GenSimpsonD GenSimpsonD.AbdVector GenSimpsonD.integer GenSimpsonD.numeric GenSimpsonD.ProbaVector
Similarity-based entropy of a communitybcHqz Hqz Hqz.AbdVector Hqz.integer Hqz.numeric Hqz.ProbaVector
Similarity-based beta entropy of a communitybcHqzBeta HqzBeta HqzBeta.AbdVector HqzBeta.integer HqzBeta.numeric HqzBeta.ProbaVector
Hurlbert's Index and Explicit DiversitybcHurlbert bcHurlbertD Hurlbert Hurlbert.AbdVector Hurlbert.integer Hurlbert.numeric Hurlbert.ProbaVector HurlbertD HurlbertD.AbdVector HurlbertD.integer HurlbertD.numeric HurlbertD.ProbaVector
Generalized Kullback-Leibler divergenceKLq
Logarithm of order qlnq lnq.CommunityProfile
Manipulation of meta-communitiesMergeC MergeMC ShuffleMC
Meta-Community diversity class.autoplot.MCdiversity is.MCdiversity MCdiversity plot.MCdiversity summary.MCdiversity
Meta-Community entropy class.autoplot.MCentropy is.MCentropy MCentropy plot.MCentropy summary.MCentropy
Metacommunity classis.MetaCommunity MetaCommunity plot.MetaCommunity summary.MetaCommunity
Optimal scale parameter to transform a distance matrix into a similarity matrixOptimal.Similarity
Functional distances between pairs of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.Paracou618.dist
Functional tree of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.Paracou618.Functional
Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.Paracou618.MC
Taxonomy (Family - Genus - Species) of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.Paracou618.Taxonomy
Phylogenetic Diversity / Functional Diversity of a CommunityPDFD
Apply a Function over a Phylogenetic TreePhyloApply
Phylogenetic Beta Entropy of a communitybcPhyloBetaEntropy PhyloBetaEntropy PhyloBetaEntropy.AbdVector PhyloBetaEntropy.integer PhyloBetaEntropy.numeric PhyloBetaEntropy.ProbaVector
Phylogenetic Diversity of a CommunitybcPhyloDiversity is.PhyloDiversity PhyloDiversity PhyloDiversity.AbdVector PhyloDiversity.integer PhyloDiversity.numeric PhyloDiversity.ProbaVector summary.PhyloDiversity
Phylogenetic Entropy of a communitybcPhyloEntropy is.PhyloEntropy PhyloEntropy PhyloEntropy.AbdVector PhyloEntropy.integer PhyloEntropy.numeric PhyloEntropy.ProbaVector summary.PhyloEntropy
Phylogenetic entropy or diversity.autoplot.PhyloValue is.PhyloValue PhyloValue plot.PhyloValue summary.PhyloValue
Preprocessed plot.PPtree PPtree
Fit Distributions to Well-Known Rank Abundance Curves.RACbstick RACgeom RAClnorm RAClseries
Rao Quadratic Entropy of a CommunitybcRao Rao Rao.AbdVector Rao.integer Rao.numeric Rao.ProbaVector
Random CommunitiesrCommunity
Number of species of a communitybcRichness Richness Richness.AbdVector Richness.integer Richness.numeric Richness.ProbaVector
Shannon entropy of a communitybcShannon Shannon Shannon.AbdVector Shannon.integer Shannon.numeric Shannon.ProbaVector
Shannon beta entropy of a communitybcShannonBeta ShannonBeta ShannonBeta.AbdVector ShannonBeta.integer ShannonBeta.numeric ShannonBeta.ProbaVector
Simpson entropy of a communitybcSimpson Simpson Simpson.AbdVector Simpson.integer Simpson.numeric Simpson.ProbaVector
Simpson beta entropy of a communitybcSimpsonBeta SimpsonBeta SimpsonBeta.AbdVector SimpsonBeta.integer SimpsonBeta.numeric SimpsonBeta.ProbaVector
SimTest classas.SimTest autoplot.SimTest is.SimTest plot.SimTest SimTest summary.SimTest
Species DistributionsAbdVector as.AbdVector as.AbdVector.integer as.AbdVector.numeric as.ProbaVector as.ProbaVector.integer as.ProbaVector.numeric as.SpeciesDistribution as.SpeciesDistribution.integer as.SpeciesDistribution.numeric autoplot.SpeciesDistribution is.AbdVector is.ProbaVector is.SpeciesDistribution plot.SpeciesDistribution ProbaVector SpeciesDistribution
Tsallis (HCDT) Entropy of a communitybcTsallis Tsallis Tsallis.AbdVector Tsallis.integer Tsallis.numeric Tsallis.ProbaVector
Tsallis beta entropy of a communitybcTsallisBeta TsallisBeta TsallisBeta.AbdVector TsallisBeta.integer TsallisBeta.numeric TsallisBeta.ProbaVector