1. adephylo::carni19
    Phylogeny and quantative trait of carnivora
  2. adephylo::carni70
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of carnivora
  3. adephylo::lizards
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of lizards
  4. adephylo::maples
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
  5. adephylo::mjrochet
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of teleos fishes
  6. adephylo::palm
    Phylogenetic and quantitative traits of amazonian palm trees
  7. adephylo::procella
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of birds
  8. adephylo::tithonia
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
  9. adephylo::ungulates
    Phylogeny and quantitative traits of ungulates.
  10. AnnotationBustR::cpDNAterms
    Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) Search Terms
  11. AnnotationBustR::mtDNAterms
    Mitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Animals
  12. AnnotationBustR::mtDNAtermsPlants
    Mitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Plants
  13. AnnotationBustR::rDNAterms
    Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) Search Terms
  14. ape::HP.links
    Test of host-parasite coevolution
    matrix|15 x 17
  15. ape::bird.families
    Phylogeny of the Families of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
  16. ape::bird.orders
    Phylogeny of the Orders of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
  17. ape::carnivora
    Carnivora body sizes and life history traits
  18. ape::chiroptera
    Bat Phylogeny
  19. ape::cynipids
    NEXUS Data Example
  20. ape::gopher.D
    Test of host-parasite coevolution
  21. ape::hivtree.newick
    Phylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences
  22. ape::hivtree.table
    Phylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences
  23. ape::lice.D
    Test of host-parasite coevolution
  24. ape::lmorigin.ex1
    Multiple regression through the origin
  25. ape::lmorigin.ex2
    Multiple regression through the origin
  26. ape::mat3
    Three Matrices
  27. ape::mat5M3ID
    Five Trees
  28. ape::mat5Mrand
    Five Independent Trees
  29. ape::woodmouse
    Cytochrome b Gene Sequences of Woodmice
    DNAbin|15 x
  30. aphid::casino
    Dishonest casino.
  31. aphid::globins
    Globin protein alignment.
  32. aphid::substitution
    Substitution matrices.
  33. aphylo::fakeexperiment
    Fake Experimental Data
  34. aphylo::faketree
    Fake Phylogenetic Tree
  35. BMhyb::cichlid
    Cichlid dataset
  36. BMhyb::nicotiana
    Nicotiana dataset
  37. BoskR::emptesttrees
    Set of Test Trees for BoskR
  38. bppr::hominids
    A BPP A00 MCMC sample for an hominid phylogeny
  39. bppr::microcebus
    A BPP A00 MCMC sample for a mouse lemur phylogeny
  40. brms::epilepsy
    Epileptic seizure counts
  41. brms::inhaler
    Clarity of inhaler instructions
  42. brms::kidney
    Infections in kidney patients
  43. brms::loss
    Cumulative Insurance Loss Payments
  44. brranching::phylomatic_trees
    Phylogenies to use with phylomatic
  45. brranching::tpl
    Lookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList gymnosperms
  46. Claddis::day_2016
    Character-taxon matrix from Day et al. 2016
  47. Claddis::gauthier_1986
    Character-taxon matrix from Gauthier 1986
  48. Claddis::michaux_1989
    Character-taxon matrix from Michaux 1989
  49. closesamples::ORCID_TOKEN
  50. closesamples::r
  51. corHMM::primates
    Example datasets
  52. corHMM::primates.paint
    Example datasets
  53. corHMM::rayDISC.example
    Example datasets
  54. DAMOCLES::NWPrimates_data
    Dated phylogenetic tree of the New World Primates in nexus format and presence-absence matrix for species in Manu
  55. datelife::birds_and_cats
    A multiPhylo object with trees resulting from a datelife search of some birds and cats species
  56. datelife::contributor_cache
    Information on contributors, authors, study ids and clades from studies with chronograms in Open Tree of Life (Open Tree)
  57. datelife::felid_gdr_phylo_all
    datelifeSummary of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
  58. datelife::felid_sdm
    SDM tree of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
  59. datelife::opentree_chronograms
    Chronogram database
  60. datelife::plant_bold_otol_tree
    Some plants chronogram
  61. datelife::problems
    Problematic chronograms from Open Tree of Life.
  62. datelife::some_ants_datelife_result
    datelifeResult object of some ants
  63. datelife::subset2_search
    A list with datelifeQuery and datelifeResult objects from a search of taxon names from subset2_taxa
  64. datelife::subset2_taxa
    Long list of >2.7k virus, bacteria, plant and animal taxon names
  65. datelife::threebirds_dr
    'datelifeResult' object of three birds "Rhea americana", "Pterocnemia pennata", and "Struthio camelus"
  66. datelife::treebase_cache
    Information on contributors, authors, study ids and clades from studies with chronograms in Open tree of Life
  67. datelife::birds_and_cats
    A multiPhylo object with trees resulting from a datelife search of some birds and cats species
  68. datelife::contributor_cache
    Information on contributors, authors, study ids and clades from studies with chronograms in Open Tree of Life (Open Tree)
  69. datelife::felid_gdr_phylo_all
    datelifeSummary of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
  70. datelife::felid_sdm
    SDM tree of a datelifeResult object of all Felidae species.
  71. datelife::opentree_chronograms
    Chronogram database
  72. datelife::plant_bold_otol_tree
    Some plants chronogram
  73. datelife::problems
    Problematic chronograms from Open Tree of Life.
  74. datelife::some_ants_datelife_result
    datelifeResult object of some ants
  75. datelife::subset2_search
    A list with datelifeQuery and datelifeResult objects from a search of taxon names from subset2_taxa
  76. datelife::subset2_taxa
    Long list of >2.7k virus, bacteria, plant and animal taxon names
  77. datelife::threebirds_dr
    'datelifeResult' object of three birds "Rhea americana", "Pterocnemia pennata", and "Struthio camelus"
  78. datelife::treebase_cache
    Information on contributors, authors, study ids and clades from studies with chronograms in Open tree of Life
  79. dendextend::khan
    Microarray gene expression dataset from Khan et al., 2001. Subset of 306 genes.
  80. dietr::Casaux1998
  81. dietr::CortesPreyVals
  82. dietr::FishBasePreyVals
  83. dietr::Herichthys
  84. dietr::Horn1982
  85. dietr::SebastesStomachs
  86. dispRity::BeckLee_ages
    Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
  87. dispRity::BeckLee_disparity
  88. dispRity::BeckLee_mat50
    Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
  89. dispRity::BeckLee_mat99
    Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
  90. dispRity::BeckLee_tree
    Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
  91. dispRity::charadriiformes
  92. dispRity::demo_data
    Demo datasets
  93. dispRity::disparity
  94. entropart::EightSpAbundance
    Abundances of 8 species to run examples.
  95. entropart::EightSpTree
    Functional tree with 8 species.
  96. entropart::Paracou618.Functional
    Functional tree of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  97. entropart::Paracou618.MC
    Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  98. entropart::Paracou618.Taxonomy
    Taxonomy (Family - Genus - Species) of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  99. entropart::Paracou618.dist
    Functional distances between pairs of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
  100. epm::tamiasEPM
    Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
  101. epm::tamiasPolyList
    Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
  102. epm::tamiasTraits
    Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
  103. epm::tamiasTree
    Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
  104. epm::tamiasTreeSet
    Eco Phylo Mapper datasets
  105. evobiR::hym.tree
    Phylogenetic tree
  106. evobiR::mite.trait
    phenotype data for mites
  107. evobiR::trees
    10 Phylogenetic trees
  108. EvoPhylo::RateTable_Means_1p_Clades
    Mean clock rates by node and clade (single clock)
  109. EvoPhylo::RateTable_Means_3p_Clades
    Mean clock rates by node and clade (3 clock partitions)
  110. EvoPhylo::characters
    A morphological phylogenetic data matrix
    matrix|178 x 43
  111. EvoPhylo::post_trees
    Multiple phylogenetic clock trees
  112. EvoPhylo::posterior1p
    Posterior parameter samples (single clock)
  113. EvoPhylo::posterior3p
    Posterior parameter samples (3 clock partions)
  114. EvoPhylo::tree1p
    Phylogenetic tree with a single clock partition
  115. EvoPhylo::tree3p
    Phylogenetic tree with 3 clock partitions
  116. EvoPhylo::tree_clock1
    BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 1
  117. EvoPhylo::tree_clock2
    BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 2
  118. extendedSurface::echinoid_data
    Comparative dataset used to explore the macroevolution of echinoid body size.
  119. FishPhyloMaker::neotropical_comm
    Abundance of stream fish species in Parana and Paraguay streams
  120. FishPhyloMaker::spp_afrotropic
    List of fish species with occurrence in Afrotropical ecoregion
  121. FishPhyloMaker::taxon_data_PhyloMaker
    Data frame with species names needed to assemble the phylogenetic tree
  122. geiger::amphibia
    example datasets
  123. geiger::caniformia
    example datasets
  124. geiger::carnivores
    example datasets
  125. geiger::caudata
    example datasets
  126. geiger::chelonia
    example datasets
  127. geiger::geospiza
    example datasets
  128. geiger::primates
    example datasets
  129. geiger::whales
    example datasets
  130. geomorph::hummingbirds
    Landmark data from hummingbird bills (includes sliding semilandmarks on curves)
  131. geomorph::larvalMorph
    Head and tail shapes of larval salamanders
  132. geomorph::lizards
    Dorsal head shape data of lizards
  133. geomorph::mosquito
    Landmarks on mosquito wings
  134. geomorph::plethShapeFood
    Head shape and food use data from Plethodon salamanders
  135. geomorph::plethodon
    Landmark data from Plethodon salamander heads
  136. geomorph::plethspecies
    Head shape and phylogenetic relationships for several Plethodon salamander species
  137. geomorph::pupfish
    Landmarks on pupfish
  138. geomorph::ratland
    Landmark data from dataset rat
  139. geomorph::scallopPLY
    3D scan of a scallop shell from a .ply file in mesh3d format
  140. geomorph::scallops
    Landmark data from scallop shells
  141. hilldiv::bat.diet.hierarchy
    Bat diet hierarchy
  142. hilldiv::bat.diet.otutable
    Bat diet OTU table
  143. hilldiv::bat.diet.tree
    Bat diet OTU tree
  144. idendr0::hca5000
    idendro demo data
  145. ips::ips.16S
    Bark Beetle 16S Sequences
    DNAbin|42 x
  146. ips::ips.28S
    Bark Beetle 28S Sequences
    DNAbin|28 x
  147. ips::ips.cox1
    Bark Beetle COX1 Sequences
    DNAbin|26 x
  148. ips::ips.tree
    Ips Phylogeny
  149. ips::log_list
    Internal IPS Functions
  150. ips::operator_list
    Internal IPS Functions
  151. laser::agamids
    Ultrametric Phylogeny of Australian Agamid Lizards
  152. laser::plethodon
  153. laser::rtrees5
    Random Phylogenetic Trees
  154. laser::rtrees50
    Random Phylogenetic Trees
  155. laser::warblers
    Branching times from phylogeny of North American Dendroica warblers
  156. mcmc3r::A
    A matrix
  157. mcmc3r::C
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens after Procrustes analysis
    matrix|19 x 87
  158. mcmc3r::C.PS
    Object of class procSym output by Morpho after PA
  159. mcmc3r::C.arr.unal
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
  160. mcmc3r::C.mat.unal
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
    matrix|19 x 87
  161. mcmc3r::R.sh
    Estimated shrinkage correlation matrix
    matrix|87 x 87
  162. mcmc3r::V
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens after Procrustes analysis
    matrix|21 x 87
  163. mcmc3r::V.PS.nov1
    Object of class array output by Morpho after PA
  164. mcmc3r::V.arr.unal
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 21 Vulpes vulpes specimens before Procrustes analysis
  165. mcmc3r::V.mat.unal
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
    matrix|21 x 87
  166. mcmc3r::carnivores
    Carnivores dataset
  167. mcmc3r::carnivores19x29.raw
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens
  168. mcmc3r::hominids
    A BPP A00 MCMC sample for an hominid phylogeny
  169. mcmc3r::microcebus
    A BPP A00 MCMC sample for a mouse lemur phylogeny
  170. mcmc3r::sim.R
    Correlation matrix for simulations
  171. mcmc3r::sim.tree
    Simulated 8-species tree
  172. mcmc3r::var.foxes
    Vector with the population variance of Vulpes vulpes
  173. mcmc3r::vulpes21x29.raw
    29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 21 Vulpes vulpes specimens
  174. MCMCglmm::BTdata
    Blue Tit Data for a Quantitative Genetic Experiment
  175. MCMCglmm::BTped
    Blue Tit Pedigree
  176. MCMCglmm::PlodiaPO
    Phenoloxidase measures on caterpillars of the Indian meal moth.
  177. MCMCglmm::PlodiaR
    Resistance of Indian meal moth caterpillars to the granulosis virus PiGV.
  178. MCMCglmm::PlodiaRB
    Resistance (as a binary trait) of Indian meal moth caterpillars to the granulosis virus PiGV.
  179. MCMCglmm::SShorns
    Horn type and genders of Soay Sheep
  180. MonoPhy::Ericacsubfams
    Example dataset for the package MonoPhy.
  181. MonoPhy::Ericactree
    Example dataset for the package MonoPhy.
  182. MonoPhy::Ericactribes
    Example dataset for the package MonoPhy.
  183. mvMORPH::phyllostomid
    Phylogeny and trait data for a sample of Phyllostomid bats
  184. nichevol::character_table
    Example of character table for six species
  185. nichevol::occ_list
    Example of occurrence records for six species
  186. nichevol::par_rec_table
    Example of table with results from parsimony reconstructions
    matrix|11 x 20
  187. nichevol::tree
    Example of a phylogenetic tree for six species
  188. nichevol::tree5
    Example of a phylogenetic tree for five species
  189. nichevol::tree_data
    Example of a list containing a tree and a table of characters for six species
  190. ouch::anolis.ssd
    Greater Antillean anolis lizard sexual size dimorphism data
  191. ouch::bimac
    Anolis bimaculatus lizard size data
  192. ouch::geospiza
    Data on Darwin's finches
  193. OUwie::trait
    An example dataset
  194. OUwie::trait
    An example dataset
  195. OUwie::tree
    An example dataset
  196. OUwie::tree
    An example dataset
  197. paleobuddy::co2
    Jurassic CO2 data
  198. paleobuddy::temp
    Cenozoic temperature data
  199. paleotree::ammoniteTraitsRaia
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  200. paleotree::ammoniteTreeRaia
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  201. paleotree::ceratopsianTreeRaia
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  202. paleotree::cervidTreeRaia
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  203. paleotree::charMatDicrano
    Cladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
  204. paleotree::cladogramDicranoX12
    Cladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
  205. paleotree::cladogramDicranoX13
    Cladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
  206. paleotree::foramAL
    Ancestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
  207. paleotree::foramALb
    Ancestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
  208. paleotree::foramAM
    Ancestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
  209. paleotree::foramAMb
    Ancestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
  210. paleotree::graptCharMatrix
    Morphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
  211. paleotree::graptDistMat
    Morphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
    matrix|183 x 183
  212. paleotree::graptOccPBDB
    Example Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
  213. paleotree::graptRanges
    Morphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
  214. paleotree::graptTaxaPBDB
    Example Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
  215. paleotree::graptTimeTree
    Example Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
  216. paleotree::graptTree
    Example Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
  217. paleotree::kanto
    Example Species Abundances Tables
    matrix|23 x 53
  218. paleotree::retioChar
    Cladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
  219. paleotree::retioRanges
    Cladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
  220. paleotree::retioTree
    Cladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
  221. paleotree::shellSize
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  222. paleotree::sutureComplexity
    Dated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
  223. paleoTS::cantius_L
    Time-series of the length of lower first molar for the Cantius lineage
  224. paleoTS::dorsal.spines
    Time-series of dorsal spine data from a fossil stickleback lineage
  225. phangorn::Laurasiatherian
    Laurasiatherian data (AWCMEE)
  226. phangorn::chloroplast
    Chloroplast alignment
  227. phangorn::mites
    Morphological characters of Mites (SchÀffer et al. 2010)
  228. phangorn::yeast
    Yeast alignment (Rokas et al.)
  229. phrapl::assignFile
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  230. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  231. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  232. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  233. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  234. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  235. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  236. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  237. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  238. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  239. phrapl::migrationArray
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  240. phrapl::popAssignments
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  241. phrapl::trees
    A description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
  242. phybase::rooted.tree
    An example of rooted trees
  243. phybase::sptree
    A species tree
  244. phybase::unrooted.tree
    An example of unrooted trees
  245. phyclust::.Color
    Colors for Identifying Clusters in Plots
  246. phyclust::.EMC
    EM Control
  247. phyclust::.amino.acid
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  248. phyclust::.boundary.method
    Boundary Methods for Population Proportions
  249. phyclust::.code.type
    Code Types of Dataset and Substitution Models
  250. phyclust::.codon
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  251. phyclust::.edist.model
    Evolution Distance Model
  252. phyclust::.em.method
    EM Methods and Algorithms
  253. phyclust::.genetic.code
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  254. phyclust::.identifier
    Identifiers for Evolution Models
  255. phyclust::.init.method
    Initialization Methods for EM Algorithms
  256. phyclust::.init.procedure
    Initialization Procedures for EM Algorithms
  257. phyclust::.label.method
    Label Method
  258. phyclust::.missing.code
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  259. phyclust::.nucleotide
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  260. phyclust::.se.model
    Sequencing Error Model
  261. phyclust::.snp
    Standard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
  262. phyclust::.substitution.model
    Substitution Models for Mutation Processes
  263. phyclust::seq.data.gap
    A Toy Dataset in Class seq.data
  264. phyclust::seq.data.toy
    A Toy Dataset in Class seq.data
  265. phylobase::geospiza
    Data from Darwin's finches
  266. phylobase::geospiza_raw
    Data from Darwin's finches
  267. phylobase::owls4
    'Owls' data from ape
  268. phyloclim::PNO
    _Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
  269. phyloclim::equ
    Niche overlap for Oxalis enneaphylla and O. lacinita
  270. phyloclim::sim
    Niche overlap for Oxalis enneaphylla and O. lacinita
  271. phyloclim::sites
    _Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
  272. phyloclim::tree
    _Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
  273. PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.IC
    Independet contrasts for Garland & Janis data set
  274. PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.Original
    Garland & Janis's 1993 data on mammalian running speed and limb length
  275. PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.varcov
    Phylogenetic variance-covariance matrix for Garland & Janis (1993).
  276. PHYLOGR::Lacertid.IC
    Independet contrasts for Bauwens and Diaz-Uriarte (1997) lacertid data set
  277. PHYLOGR::Lacertid.Original
    Bauwens and Diaz-Uriarte (1997) lacertid data
  278. PHYLOGR::Lacertid.varcov
    Variance-covariance matrix for lacertids from Bauwens and Diaz-uriarte (1997)
  279. PHYLOGR::SimulExample
    A simulated data set
  280. phylolm::flowerSize
    Flower size of 25 Euphorbiaceae species
  281. phylolm::flowerTree
    Phylogenetic tree of 25 Euphorbiaceae species
  282. phylolm::guidetree
    Binary population tree within Arabidopsis thaliana
  283. phylolm::quartetCF
    Quartet concordance factors across Arabidopsis thaliana
  284. phyloregion::africa
    Plants of southern Africa
  285. phylosignal::navic
    Phylogeny and pollution sensitivity of diatoms
  286. phylotaR::aotus
  287. phylotaR::birds
  288. phylotaR::bromeliads
  289. phylotaR::cycads
  290. phylotaR::dragonflies
  291. phylotaR::mammals
  292. phylotaR::plants
  293. phylotaR::sturgeons
  294. phylotaR::tardigrades
  295. phylotaR::tinamous
  296. phylotaR::yeasts
  297. phytools::anole.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  298. phytools::anoletree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  299. phytools::ant.geog
    Phylogenetic datasets
  300. phytools::ant.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  301. phytools::bat.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  302. phytools::bat_virus.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  303. phytools::betaCoV.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  304. phytools::bonyfish.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  305. phytools::bonyfish.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  306. phytools::butterfly.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  307. phytools::butterfly.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  308. phytools::cordylid.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  309. phytools::cordylid.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  310. phytools::darter.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  311. phytools::eel.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  312. phytools::eel.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  313. phytools::elapidae.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  314. phytools::flatworm.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  315. phytools::flatworm.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  316. phytools::liolaemid.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  317. phytools::liolaemid.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  318. phytools::mammal.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  319. phytools::mammal.geog
    Phylogenetic datasets
  320. phytools::mammal.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  321. phytools::primate.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  322. phytools::primate.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  323. phytools::salamanders
    Phylogenetic datasets
  324. phytools::sunfish.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  325. phytools::sunfish.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  326. phytools::tortoise.geog
    Phylogenetic datasets
  327. phytools::tortoise.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  328. phytools::tropidurid.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  329. phytools::tropidurid.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  330. phytools::vertebrate.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  331. phytools::vertebrate.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  332. phytools::wasp.data
    Phylogenetic datasets
  333. phytools::wasp.trees
    Phylogenetic datasets
  334. phytools::whale.tree
    Phylogenetic datasets
  335. picante::IvesGodfray
    Host-parasitoid food web data
  336. picante::phylocom
    Phylocom default data
  337. pmc::anoles
    The anoles data set
  338. pmc::tree
    The phylogeny for the anoles data set
  339. Quartet::sq_trees
    Eighteen example trees
  340. ratematrix::anoles
    Data and phylogenetic tree for Anolis lizards
  341. ratematrix::centrarchidae
    Data and phylogenetic tree for Centrarchidae fishes
  342. RPANDA::Anolis.data
    Anolis dataset
  343. RPANDA::BGB.examples
    BioGeoBEARS stochastic maps
  344. RPANDA::Balaenopteridae
    Balaenopteridae phylogeny
  345. RPANDA::Calomys
    Calomys phylogeny
  346. RPANDA::Caprimulgidae
    The _Caprimulgidae_ phylogeny.
  347. RPANDA::Caprimulgidae_ClaDS2
    An example run of ClaDS2.
  348. RPANDA::Cetacea
    Cetacean phylogeny
  349. RPANDA::Cetacea_clades
    Stochastic map of clade membership in Cetacean phylogeny
  350. RPANDA::ClaDS0_example
    An example run of ClaDS0.
  351. RPANDA::InfTemp
    Paleotemperature data across the Cenozoic
  352. RPANDA::Phocoenidae
    Phocoenidae phylogeny
  353. RPANDA::Phyllostomidae
    Phyllostomidae phylogeny
  354. RPANDA::Phyllostomidae_genera
    Phylogenies of Phyllostomidae genera
  355. RPANDA::co2
    co2 data since the Jurassic
  356. RPANDA::co2
    co2 data since the Jurassic
  357. RPANDA::coccolithophore
    Coccolithophore diversity since the Jurassic
  358. RPANDA::d13c
    d13c data since the Jurassic
  359. RPANDA::foraminifera
    Foraminifera diversity since the Jurassic
  360. RPANDA::greenalgae
    Green algae diversity since the Jurassic
  361. RPANDA::landplant
    Land plant diversity since the Jurassic
  362. RPANDA::mycorrhizal_network
    Mycorrhizal network from La RĂ©union island
  363. RPANDA::ostracoda
    Ostracod diversity since the Jurassic
  364. RPANDA::radiolaria
    Radiolaria diversity since the Jurassic
  365. RPANDA::redalgae
    Red algae diversity since the Jurassic
  366. RPANDA::sealevel
    Sea level data since the Jurassic
  367. RPANDA::shifts_cetacea
    Cetacean shift.estimates results
  368. RPANDA::silica
    Silica data across the Cenozoic
  369. RPANDA::taxo_cetacea
    Cetacean taxonomy
  370. rphylotastic::flower_plant_fams
    Flowering plants families from Open Tree Taxonomy
  371. rphylotastic::terrestrial_plant_orders
    Flowering plants families from Open Tree Taxonomy
  372. RRphylo::DataApes
    Example dataset
  373. RRphylo::DataCetaceans
    Example dataset
  374. RRphylo::DataFelids
    Example dataset
  375. RRphylo::DataOrnithodirans
    Example dataset
  376. RRphylo::DataSimians
    Example dataset
  377. RRphylo::DataUng
    Example dataset
  378. RRPP::PlethMorph
    Plethodon comparative morphological data
  379. RRPP::Pupfish
    Landmarks on pupfish
  380. RRPP::PupfishHeads
    Landmarks on pupfish heads
  381. RRPP::fishy
    Simulated fish data for measurement error analysis
  382. RRPP::motionpaths
    Simulated motion paths
  383. secsse::example_phy_GeoSSE
    A phylogeny with traits at the tips
  384. secsse::phylo_vignette
    A phylogenetic reconstuction to run the vignette
  385. secsse::traits
    A table with trait info to run the vignette
  386. selac::model.fit
    Example yeast dataset
  387. selac::model.fit
    Example yeast dataset
  388. selac::non_zero_pos
    Example datasets
  389. selac::phy
    Example yeast dataset
  390. selac::phy
    Example yeast dataset
  391. selac::yeast.gene
    Example yeast dataset
    DNAbin|8 x
  392. sensiPhy::alien
    Alien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  393. sensiPhy::alien.data
    Alien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  394. sensiPhy::alien.phy
    Alien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  395. sensiPhy::primates
    Primates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  396. sensiPhy::primates.data
    Primates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  397. sensiPhy::primates.phy
    Primates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
  398. strap::Asaphidae
    Phylogeny and age data for the Asaphidae
  399. strap::Dipnoi
    Phylogeny and age data for dipnoans (lungfish)
  400. strap::UKzones
    British regional stages for the Ordovician
  401. taxize::apg_families
    MOBOT family names
  402. taxize::apg_orders
    MOBOT order names
  403. taxize::plantGenusNames
    Vector of plant genus names from ThePlantList
  404. taxize::plantNames
    Vector of plant species (genus - specific epithet) names from ThePlantList
  405. taxize::rank_ref
    Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks
  406. taxize::rank_ref_zoo
    Lookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks (WoRMS)
  407. taxize::species_plantarum_binomials
    Species names from Species Plantarum
  408. taxize::theplantlist
    Lookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList
  409. taxize::worrms_ranks
    WORMS ranks
  410. treebase::metadata
  411. treebase::treebase
  412. treedata.table::anolis
    Anole data
  413. treeplyr::anolis
    Anole data
  414. TreeSearch::congreveLamsdellMatrices
    100 simulated data matrices
  415. TreeSearch::inapplicable.citations
    Thirty datasets with inapplicable data
  416. TreeSearch::inapplicable.datasets
    Thirty datasets with inapplicable data
  417. TreeSearch::inapplicable.phyData
    Thirty datasets with inapplicable data
  418. TreeSearch::inapplicable.trees
    Thirty datasets with inapplicable data
  419. TreeSearch::profiles
    Empirically counted profiles for small trees
  420. TreeSearch::referenceTree
    Tree topology for matrix simulation
  421. treespace::DengueBEASTMCC
    Dengue fever BEAST MCC tree
  422. treespace::DengueSeqs
    Dengue fever sequences
    DNAbin|17 x
  423. treespace::DengueTrees
    BEAST analysis of Dengue fever
  424. treespace::fluTrees
    BEAST analysis of seasonal influenza (A/H3N2)
  425. treespace::woodmiceTrees
    Bootstrap trees from woodmouse dataset
  426. TreeTools::Lobo.data
    Data from Zhang et al. 2016
  427. TreeTools::Lobo.phy
    Data from Zhang et al. 2016
  428. TreeTools::brewer
    Brewer palettes
  429. TreeTools::nRootedShapes
    Number of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
  430. TreeTools::nUnrootedShapes
    Number of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
  431. TreeTools::unrootedKeys
    Integer representing shape of a tree
  432. TreEvo::ancStateExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  433. TreEvo::genRateExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  434. TreEvo::resultsBMExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  435. TreEvo::resultsBoundExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  436. TreEvo::simCharExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  437. TreEvo::simPhyExample
    Example Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
  438. vegan::BCI
    Barro Colorado Island Tree Counts
  439. vegan::BCI.env
    Barro Colorado Island Tree Counts
  440. vegan::dune
    Vegetation and Environment in Dutch Dune Meadows.
  441. vegan::dune.env
    Vegetation and Environment in Dutch Dune Meadows.
  442. vegan::dune.phylodis
    Taxonomic Classification and Phylogeny of Dune Meadow Species
  443. vegan::dune.taxon
    Taxonomic Classification and Phylogeny of Dune Meadow Species
  444. vegan::mite
    Oribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
  445. vegan::mite.env
    Oribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
  446. vegan::mite.pcnm
    Oribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
  447. vegan::mite.xy
    Oribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
  448. vegan::pyrifos
    Response of Aquatic Invertebrates to Insecticide Treatment
  449. vegan::sipoo
    Birds in the Archipelago of Sipoo (Sibbo and BorgÄ)
  450. vegan::sipoo.map
    Birds in the Archipelago of Sipoo (Sibbo and BorgÄ)
  451. vegan::varechem
    Vegetation and environment in lichen pastures
  452. vegan::varespec
    Vegetation and environment in lichen pastures
  453. windex::sample.data
    Sample data for windex
  454. windex::sample.tree
    Phylogenetic tree to accompany sample.data