- adephylo::carni19Phylogeny and quantative trait of carnivora
- adephylo::carni70Phylogeny and quantitative traits of carnivora
- adephylo::lizardsPhylogeny and quantitative traits of lizards
- adephylo::maplesPhylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
- adephylo::mjrochetPhylogeny and quantitative traits of teleos fishes
- adephylo::palmPhylogenetic and quantitative traits of amazonian palm trees
- adephylo::procellaPhylogeny and quantitative traits of birds
- adephylo::tithoniaPhylogeny and quantitative traits of flowers
- adephylo::ungulatesPhylogeny and quantitative traits of ungulates.
- AnnotationBustR::cpDNAtermsChloroplast DNA (cpDNA) Search Terms
- AnnotationBustR::mtDNAtermsMitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Animals
- AnnotationBustR::mtDNAtermsPlantsMitochondrial DNA Search Terms for Plants
- AnnotationBustR::rDNAtermsRibosomal DNA (rDNA) Search Terms
- ape::HP.linksTest of host-parasite coevolution
- ape::bird.familiesPhylogeny of the Families of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
- ape::bird.ordersPhylogeny of the Orders of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
- ape::carnivoraCarnivora body sizes and life history traits
- ape::chiropteraBat Phylogeny
- ape::cynipidsNEXUS Data Example
- ape::gopher.DTest of host-parasite coevolution
- ape::hivtree.newickPhylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences
- ape::hivtree.tablePhylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences
- ape::lice.DTest of host-parasite coevolution
- ape::lmorigin.ex1Multiple regression through the origin
- ape::lmorigin.ex2Multiple regression through the origin
- ape::mat3Three Matrices
- ape::mat5M3IDFive Trees
- ape::mat5MrandFive Independent Trees
- ape::woodmouseCytochrome b Gene Sequences of Woodmice
- aphid::casinoDishonest casino.
- aphid::globinsGlobin protein alignment.
- aphid::substitutionSubstitution matrices.
- aphylo::fakeexperimentFake Experimental Data
- aphylo::faketreeFake Phylogenetic Tree
- BAMMtools::events.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::events.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mass.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::mcmc.whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::primatesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::traits.fishesBAMMtools datasets
- BAMMtools::whalesBAMMtools datasets
- BMhyb::cichlidCichlid dataset
- BMhyb::nicotianaNicotiana dataset
- BoskR::emptesttreesSet of Test Trees for BoskR
- bppr::hominidsA BPP A00 MCMC sample for an hominid phylogeny
- bppr::microcebusA BPP A00 MCMC sample for a mouse lemur phylogeny
- brms::epilepsyEpileptic seizure counts
- brms::inhalerClarity of inhaler instructions
- brms::kidneyInfections in kidney patients
- brms::lossCumulative Insurance Loss Payments
- brranching::phylomatic_treesPhylogenies to use with phylomatic
- brranching::tplLookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList gymnosperms
- Claddis::day_2016Character-taxon matrix from Day et al. 2016
- Claddis::gauthier_1986Character-taxon matrix from Gauthier 1986
- Claddis::michaux_1989Character-taxon matrix from Michaux 1989
- closesamples::ORCID_TOKEN
- closesamples::r
- corHMM::primatesExample datasets
- corHMM::primates.paintExample datasets
- corHMM::rayDISC.exampleExample datasets
- DAMOCLES::NWPrimates_dataDated phylogenetic tree of the New World Primates in nexus format and presence-absence matrix for species in Manu
- deeptime::eonsEon data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (v2023/06)
- deeptime::epochsEpoch data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (v2023/06)
- deeptime::erasEra data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (v2023/06)
- deeptime::periodsPeriod data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (v2023/06)
- deeptime::stagesStage data from the International Commission on Stratigraphy (v2023/06)
- dendextend::khanMicroarray gene expression dataset from Khan et al., 2001. Subset of 306 genes.
- dietr::Casaux1998Casaux1998
- dietr::CortesPreyValsCortesPreyVals
- dietr::FishBasePreyValsFishBasePreyVals
- dietr::HerichthysHerichthys
- dietr::Horn1982Horn1982
- dietr::SebastesStomachsSebastesStomachs
- dispRity::BeckLee_agesBeck and Lee 2014 datasets
- dispRity::BeckLee_disparityBeckLee_disparity
- dispRity::BeckLee_mat50Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
- dispRity::BeckLee_mat99Beck and Lee 2014 datasets
- dispRity::BeckLee_treeBeck and Lee 2014 datasets
- dispRity::charadriiformesCharadriiformes
- dispRity::demo_dataDemo datasets
- dispRity::disparitydisparity
- entropart::EightSpAbundanceAbundances of 8 species to run examples.
- entropart::EightSpTreeFunctional tree with 8 species.
- entropart::Paracou618.FunctionalFunctional tree of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
- entropart::Paracou618.MCParacou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
- entropart::Paracou618.TaxonomyTaxonomy (Family - Genus - Species) of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
- entropart::Paracou618.distFunctional distances between pairs of species of Paracou field station plots 6 and 18, two 1-ha plots inventoried by the Bridge project.
- epm::tamiasEPMEco Phylo Mapper datasets
- epm::tamiasPolyListEco Phylo Mapper datasets
- epm::tamiasTraitsEco Phylo Mapper datasets
- epm::tamiasTreeEco Phylo Mapper datasets
- epm::tamiasTreeSetEco Phylo Mapper datasets
- evobiR::hym.treePhylogenetic tree
- evobiR::mite.traitphenotype data for mites
- evobiR::trees10 Phylogenetic trees
- EvoPhylo::RateTable_Means_1p_CladesMean clock rates by node and clade (single clock)
- EvoPhylo::RateTable_Means_3p_CladesMean clock rates by node and clade (3 clock partitions)
- EvoPhylo::charactersA morphological phylogenetic data matrix
- EvoPhylo::post_treesMultiple phylogenetic clock trees
- EvoPhylo::posterior1pPosterior parameter samples (single clock)
- EvoPhylo::posterior3pPosterior parameter samples (3 clock partions)
- EvoPhylo::tree1pPhylogenetic tree with a single clock partition
- EvoPhylo::tree3pPhylogenetic tree with 3 clock partitions
- EvoPhylo::tree_clock1BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 1
- EvoPhylo::tree_clock2BEAST2 phylogenetic tree with clock rates from partition 2
- extendedSurface::echinoid_dataComparative dataset used to explore the macroevolution of echinoid body size.
- FishPhyloMaker::neotropical_commAbundance of stream fish species in Parana and Paraguay streams
- FishPhyloMaker::spp_afrotropicList of fish species with occurrence in Afrotropical ecoregion
- FishPhyloMaker::taxon_data_PhyloMakerData frame with species names needed to assemble the phylogenetic tree
- geiger::amphibiaexample datasets
- geiger::caniformiaexample datasets
- geiger::carnivoresexample datasets
- geiger::caudataexample datasets
- geiger::cheloniaexample datasets
- geiger::geospizaexample datasets
- geiger::primatesexample datasets
- geiger::whalesexample datasets
- geomorph::hummingbirdsLandmark data from hummingbird bills (includes sliding semilandmarks on curves)
- geomorph::larvalMorphHead and tail shapes of larval salamanders
- geomorph::lizardsDorsal head shape data of lizards
- geomorph::mosquitoLandmarks on mosquito wings
- geomorph::plethShapeFoodHead shape and food use data from Plethodon salamanders
- geomorph::plethodonLandmark data from Plethodon salamander heads
- geomorph::plethspeciesHead shape and phylogenetic relationships for several Plethodon salamander species
- geomorph::pupfishLandmarks on pupfish
- geomorph::pupfish.wsLandmarks on pupfish
- geomorph::ratlandLandmark data from dataset rat
- geomorph::scallopPLY3D scan of a scallop shell from a .ply file in mesh3d format
- geomorph::scallopsLandmark data from scallop shells
- hilldiv::bat.diet.hierarchyBat diet hierarchy
- hilldiv::bat.diet.otutableBat diet OTU table
- hilldiv::bat.diet.treeBat diet OTU tree
- idendr0::hca5000idendro demo data
- ips::ips.16SBark Beetle 16S Sequences
- ips::ips.28SBark Beetle 28S Sequences
- ips::ips.cox1Bark Beetle COX1 Sequences
- ips::ips.treeIps Phylogeny
- ips::log_listInternal IPS Functions
- ips::operator_listInternal IPS Functions
- laser::agamidsUltrametric Phylogeny of Australian Agamid Lizards
- laser::plethodonplethodon
- laser::rtrees5Random Phylogenetic Trees
- laser::rtrees50Random Phylogenetic Trees
- laser::warblersBranching times from phylogeny of North American Dendroica warblers
- mcmc3r::AA matrix
- mcmc3r::C29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens after Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::C.PSObject of class procSym output by Morpho after PA
- mcmc3r::C.arr.unal29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::C.mat.unal29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::R.shEstimated shrinkage correlation matrix
- mcmc3r::V29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens after Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::V.PS.nov1Object of class array output by Morpho after PA
- mcmc3r::V.arr.unal29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 21 Vulpes vulpes specimens before Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::V.mat.unal29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens before Procrustes analysis
- mcmc3r::carnivoresCarnivores dataset
- mcmc3r::carnivores19x29.raw29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 19 carnivoran specimens
- mcmc3r::hominidsA BPP A00 MCMC sample for an hominid phylogeny
- mcmc3r::microcebusA BPP A00 MCMC sample for a mouse lemur phylogeny
- mcmc3r::sim.RCorrelation matrix for simulations
- mcmc3r::sim.treeSimulated 8-species tree
- mcmc3r::var.foxesVector with the population variance of Vulpes vulpes
- mcmc3r::vulpes21x29.raw29 3D landmarks from the skulls of 21 Vulpes vulpes specimens
- MCMCglmm::BTdataBlue Tit Data for a Quantitative Genetic Experiment
- MCMCglmm::BTpedBlue Tit Pedigree
- MCMCglmm::PlodiaPOPhenoloxidase measures on caterpillars of the Indian meal moth.
- MCMCglmm::PlodiaRResistance of Indian meal moth caterpillars to the granulosis virus PiGV.
- MCMCglmm::PlodiaRBResistance (as a binary trait) of Indian meal moth caterpillars to the granulosis virus PiGV.
- MCMCglmm::SShornsHorn type and genders of Soay Sheep
- MonoPhy::EricacsubfamsExample dataset for the package MonoPhy.
- MonoPhy::EricactreeExample dataset for the package MonoPhy.
- MonoPhy::EricactribesExample dataset for the package MonoPhy.
- mvMORPH::phyllostomidPhylogeny and trait data for a sample of Phyllostomid bats
- nichevol::character_tableExample of character table for six species
- nichevol::occ_listExample of occurrence records for six species
- nichevol::par_rec_tableExample of table with results from parsimony reconstructions
- nichevol::treeExample of a phylogenetic tree for six species
- nichevol::tree5Example of a phylogenetic tree for five species
- nichevol::tree_dataExample of a list containing a tree and a table of characters for six species
- ouch::anolis.ssdGreater Antillean anolis lizard sexual size dimorphism data
- ouch::bimacAnolis bimaculatus lizard size data
- ouch::geospizaData on Darwin's finches
- OUwie::traitAn example dataset
- OUwie::traitAn example dataset
- OUwie::treeAn example dataset
- OUwie::treeAn example dataset
- paleobuddy::co2Jurassic CO2 data
- paleobuddy::tempCenozoic temperature data
- paleotree::ammoniteTraitsRaiaDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleotree::ammoniteTreeRaiaDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleotree::ceratopsianTreeRaiaDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleotree::cervidTreeRaiaDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleotree::charMatDicranoCladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
- paleotree::cladogramDicranoX12Cladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
- paleotree::cladogramDicranoX13Cladistic Data for Dicranograptid Graptolites from Song and Zhang (2014)
- paleotree::foramALAncestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
- paleotree::foramALbAncestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
- paleotree::foramAMAncestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
- paleotree::foramAMbAncestor-Descendant Relationships for Macroperforate Foraminifera, from Aze et al. (2011)
- paleotree::graptCharMatrixMorphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
- paleotree::graptDistMatMorphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
- paleotree::graptOccPBDBExample Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
- paleotree::graptRangesMorphlogical Character and Range Data for late Ordovician and Early Silurian Graptoloidea
- paleotree::graptTaxaPBDBExample Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
- paleotree::graptTimeTreeExample Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
- paleotree::graptTreeExample Occurrence and Taxonomic Datasets of the Graptolithina from the Paleobiology Database
- paleotree::kantoExample Species Abundances Tables
- paleotree::retioCharCladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
- paleotree::retioRangesCladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
- paleotree::retioTreeCladogram and Range Data for the Retiolitinae
- paleotree::shellSizeDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleotree::sutureComplexityDated Trees and Trait Data for Ammonites, Ceratopsians and Cervids from Raia et al. 2015
- paleoTS::cantius_LTime-series of the length of lower first molar for the Cantius lineage
- paleoTS::dorsal.spinesTime-series of dorsal spine data from a fossil stickleback lineage
- phangorn::LaurasiatherianLaurasiatherian data (AWCMEE)
- phangorn::chloroplastChloroplast alignment
- phangorn::mitesMorphological characters of Mites (SchÀffer et al. 2010)
- phangorn::yeastYeast alignment (Rokas et al.)
- phrapl::assignFileA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::migrationArrayA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::popAssignmentsA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phrapl::treesA description for applying phrapl to a test dataset
- phybase::rooted.treeAn example of rooted trees
- phybase::sptreeA species tree
- phybase::unrooted.treeAn example of unrooted trees
- phyclust::.ColorColors for Identifying Clusters in Plots
- phyclust::.EMCEM Control
- phyclust::.amino.acidStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.boundary.methodBoundary Methods for Population Proportions
- phyclust::.code.typeCode Types of Dataset and Substitution Models
- phyclust::.codonStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.edist.modelEvolution Distance Model
- phyclust::.em.methodEM Methods and Algorithms
- phyclust::.genetic.codeStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.identifierIdentifiers for Evolution Models
- phyclust::.init.methodInitialization Methods for EM Algorithms
- phyclust::.init.procedureInitialization Procedures for EM Algorithms
- phyclust::.label.methodLabel Method
- phyclust::.missing.codeStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.nucleotideStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.se.modelSequencing Error Model
- phyclust::.snpStandard Codes and ids for Nucleotides, SNPs, Codon, Amino Acid and Genetic Code
- phyclust::.substitution.modelSubstitution Models for Mutation Processes
- phyclust::seq.data.gapA Toy Dataset in Class seq.data
- phyclust::seq.data.toyA Toy Dataset in Class seq.data
- phylobase::geospizaData from Darwin's finches
- phylobase::geospiza_rawData from Darwin's finches
- phylobase::owls4'Owls' data from ape
- phyloclim::PNO_Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
- phyloclim::equNiche overlap for Oxalis enneaphylla and O. lacinita
- phyloclim::simNiche overlap for Oxalis enneaphylla and O. lacinita
- phyloclim::sites_Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
- phyloclim::tree_Oxalis_ section _Palmatifoliae_
- PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.ICIndependet contrasts for Garland & Janis data set
- PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.OriginalGarland & Janis's 1993 data on mammalian running speed and limb length
- PHYLOGR::GarlandJanis.varcovPhylogenetic variance-covariance matrix for Garland & Janis (1993).
- PHYLOGR::Lacertid.ICIndependet contrasts for Bauwens and Diaz-Uriarte (1997) lacertid data set
- PHYLOGR::Lacertid.OriginalBauwens and Diaz-Uriarte (1997) lacertid data
- PHYLOGR::Lacertid.varcovVariance-covariance matrix for lacertids from Bauwens and Diaz-uriarte (1997)
- PHYLOGR::SimulExampleA simulated data set
- phylolm::flowerSizeFlower size of 25 Euphorbiaceae species
- phylolm::flowerTreePhylogenetic tree of 25 Euphorbiaceae species
- phylolm::guidetreeBinary population tree within Arabidopsis thaliana
- phylolm::quartetCFQuartet concordance factors across Arabidopsis thaliana
- phyloregion::africaPlants of southern Africa
- phylosignal::navicPhylogeny and pollution sensitivity of diatoms
- phylotaR::aotusaotus
- phylotaR::birdsbirds
- phylotaR::bromeliadsbromeliads
- phylotaR::cycadscycads
- phylotaR::dragonfliesdragonflies
- phylotaR::mammalsmammals
- phylotaR::plantsplants
- phylotaR::sturgeonssturgeons
- phylotaR::tardigradestardigrades
- phylotaR::tinamoustinamous
- phylotaR::yeastsyeasts
- phytools::anole.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::anoletreePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::ant.geogPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::ant.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::bat.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::bat_virus.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::betaCoV.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::bonyfish.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::bonyfish.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::butterfly.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::butterfly.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::cordylid.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::cordylid.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::darter.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::eel.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::eel.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::elapidae.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::flatworm.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::flatworm.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::liolaemid.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::liolaemid.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::mammal.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::mammal.geogPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::mammal.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::primate.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::primate.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::salamandersPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::sunfish.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::sunfish.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::tortoise.geogPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::tortoise.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::tropidurid.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::tropidurid.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::vertebrate.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::vertebrate.treePhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::wasp.dataPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::wasp.treesPhylogenetic datasets
- phytools::whale.treePhylogenetic datasets
- picante::IvesGodfrayHost-parasitoid food web data
- picante::phylocomPhylocom default data
- pmc::anolesThe anoles data set
- pmc::treeThe phylogeny for the anoles data set
- Quartet::sq_treesEighteen example trees
- ratematrix::anolesData and phylogenetic tree for Anolis lizards
- ratematrix::centrarchidaeData and phylogenetic tree for Centrarchidae fishes
- RPANDA::Anolis.dataAnolis dataset
- RPANDA::BGB.examplesBioGeoBEARS stochastic maps
- RPANDA::BalaenopteridaeBalaenopteridae phylogeny
- RPANDA::CalomysCalomys phylogeny
- RPANDA::CaprimulgidaeThe _Caprimulgidae_ phylogeny.
- RPANDA::Caprimulgidae_ClaDS2An example run of ClaDS2.
- RPANDA::CetaceaCetacean phylogeny
- RPANDA::Cetacea_cladesStochastic map of clade membership in Cetacean phylogeny
- RPANDA::ClaDS0_exampleAn example run of ClaDS0.
- RPANDA::InfTempPaleotemperature data across the Cenozoic
- RPANDA::PhocoenidaePhocoenidae phylogeny
- RPANDA::PhyllostomidaePhyllostomidae phylogeny
- RPANDA::Phyllostomidae_generaPhylogenies of Phyllostomidae genera
- RPANDA::co2co2 data since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::co2co2 data since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::coccolithophoreCoccolithophore diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::d13cd13c data since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::foraminiferaForaminifera diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::greenalgaeGreen algae diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::landplantLand plant diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::mycorrhizal_networkMycorrhizal network from La RĂ©union island
- RPANDA::ostracodaOstracod diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::radiolariaRadiolaria diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::redalgaeRed algae diversity since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::sealevelSea level data since the Jurassic
- RPANDA::shifts_cetaceaCetacean shift.estimates results
- RPANDA::silicaSilica data across the Cenozoic
- RPANDA::taxo_cetaceaCetacean taxonomy
- rphylotastic::flower_plant_famsFlowering plants families from Open Tree Taxonomy
- rphylotastic::terrestrial_plant_ordersFlowering plants families from Open Tree Taxonomy
- RRphylo::DataApesExample dataset
- RRphylo::DataCetaceansExample dataset
- RRphylo::DataFelidsExample dataset
- RRphylo::DataOrnithodiransExample dataset
- RRphylo::DataSimiansExample dataset
- RRphylo::DataUngExample dataset
- RRPP::PlethMorphPlethodon comparative morphological data
- RRPP::PupfishLandmarks on pupfish
- RRPP::PupfishHeadsLandmarks on pupfish heads
- RRPP::fishySimulated fish data for measurement error analysis
- RRPP::motionpathsSimulated motion paths
- secsse::example_phy_GeoSSEA phylogeny with traits at the tips
- secsse::phylo_vignetteA phylogenetic reconstuction to run the vignette
- secsse::traitsA table with trait info to run the vignette
- selac::model.fitExample yeast dataset
- selac::model.fitExample yeast dataset
- selac::non_zero_posExample datasets
- selac::phyExample yeast dataset
- selac::phyExample yeast dataset
- selac::yeast.geneExample yeast dataset
- sensiPhy::alienAlien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- sensiPhy::alien.dataAlien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- sensiPhy::alien.phyAlien Mammals dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- sensiPhy::primatesPrimates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- sensiPhy::primates.dataPrimates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- sensiPhy::primates.phyPrimates dataset: Example dataset for the package sensiPhy
- strap::AsaphidaePhylogeny and age data for the Asaphidae
- strap::DipnoiPhylogeny and age data for dipnoans (lungfish)
- strap::UKzonesBritish regional stages for the Ordovician
- taxize::apg_familiesMOBOT family names
- taxize::apg_ordersMOBOT order names
- taxize::plantGenusNamesVector of plant genus names from ThePlantList
- taxize::plantNamesVector of plant species (genus - specific epithet) names from ThePlantList
- taxize::rank_refLookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks
- taxize::rank_ref_zooLookup-table for IDs of taxonomic ranks (WoRMS)
- taxize::species_plantarum_binomialsSpecies names from Species Plantarum
- taxize::theplantlistLookup-table for family, genus, and species names for ThePlantList
- taxize::worrms_ranksWORMS ranks
- treebase::metadatametadata.rda
- treebase::treebasetreebase.rda
- treedata.table::anolisAnole data
- treeplyr::anolisAnole data
- TreeSearch::congreveLamsdellMatrices100 simulated data matrices
- TreeSearch::inapplicable.citationsThirty datasets with inapplicable data
- TreeSearch::inapplicable.datasetsThirty datasets with inapplicable data
- TreeSearch::inapplicable.phyDataThirty datasets with inapplicable data
- TreeSearch::inapplicable.treesThirty datasets with inapplicable data
- TreeSearch::profilesEmpirically counted profiles for small trees
- TreeSearch::referenceTreeTree topology for matrix simulation
- treespace::DengueBEASTMCCDengue fever BEAST MCC tree
- treespace::DengueSeqsDengue fever sequences
- treespace::DengueTreesBEAST analysis of Dengue fever
- treespace::fluTreesBEAST analysis of seasonal influenza (A/H3N2)
- treespace::woodmiceTreesBootstrap trees from woodmouse dataset
- TreeTools::Lobo.dataData from Zhang et al. 2016
- TreeTools::Lobo.phyData from Zhang et al. 2016
- TreeTools::brewerBrewer palettes
- TreeTools::nRootedShapesNumber of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
- TreeTools::nUnrootedShapesNumber of rooted / unrooted tree shapes
- TreeTools::unrootedKeysInteger representing shape of a tree
- TreEvo::ancStateExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- TreEvo::genRateExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- TreEvo::resultsBMExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- TreEvo::resultsBoundExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- TreEvo::simCharExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- TreEvo::simPhyExampleExample Analysis Output of a Simulated Dataset
- vegan::BCIBarro Colorado Island Tree Counts
- vegan::BCI.envBarro Colorado Island Tree Counts
- vegan::duneVegetation and Environment in Dutch Dune Meadows.
- vegan::dune.envVegetation and Environment in Dutch Dune Meadows.
- vegan::dune.phylodisTaxonomic Classification and Phylogeny of Dune Meadow Species
- vegan::dune.taxonTaxonomic Classification and Phylogeny of Dune Meadow Species
- vegan::miteOribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
- vegan::mite.envOribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
- vegan::mite.pcnmOribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
- vegan::mite.xyOribatid Mite Data with Explanatory Variables
- vegan::pyrifosResponse of Aquatic Invertebrates to Insecticide Treatment
- vegan::sipooBirds in the Archipelago of Sipoo (Sibbo and BorgÄ)
- vegan::sipoo.mapBirds in the Archipelago of Sipoo (Sibbo and BorgÄ)
- vegan::varechemVegetation and environment in lichen pastures
- vegan::varespecVegetation and environment in lichen pastures
- windex::sample.dataSample data for windex
- windex::sample.treePhylogenetic tree to accompany sample.data