Title: | Fast Molecular Clock Dating of Phylogenetic Trees with Rate Variation |
Description: | Functions for estimating times of common ancestry and molecular clock rates of evolution using a variety of evolutionary models, parametric and nonparametric bootstrap confidence intervals, methods for detecting outlier lineages, root-to-tip regression, and a statistical test for selecting molecular clock models. The methods are described in Volz, E.M. and S.D.W. Frost (2017) <doi:10.1093/ve/vex025>. |
Authors: | Erik Volz [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Erik Volz <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 0.5.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-09 04:47:11 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/emvolz/treedater |
Additional functions are provided for detecting outlier lineages (possible sequencing or alignment error). A statistical test is available for choosing between strict and relaxed clock models. The calendar time of each sample must be specified (possibly with bounds of uncertainty) and the length of the sequences used to estimate the tree. treedater uses heuristic search to optimise the TMRCAs of a phylogeny and the substitution rate. An uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock accounts for rate variation between lineages of the phylogeny which is parameterised using a Gamma-Poisson mixture model.
Maintainer: Erik Volz [email protected]
Volz, E. M., and S. D. W. Frost. "Scalable relaxed clock phylogenetic dating." Virus Evolution 3.2 (2017).
If the original treedater fit estimated the root position, root position will also be estimated for each simulation, so the returned trees may have different root positions. Some replicates may converge to a strict clock or a relaxed clock, so the parameter estimates in each replicate may not be directly comparable. It is possible to compute confidence intervals for the times of particular nodes or for estimated sample times by inspecting the output from each fitted treedater object, which is contained in the $trees attribute.
boot( td, tres, ncpu = 1, searchRoot = 1, overrideTempConstraint = TRUE, overrideClock = NULL, quiet = TRUE, normalApproxTMRCA = FALSE, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
boot( td, tres, ncpu = 1, searchRoot = 1, overrideTempConstraint = TRUE, overrideClock = NULL, quiet = TRUE, normalApproxTMRCA = FALSE, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
td |
A fitted treedater object |
tres |
A list or multiPhylo with bootstrap trees with branches in units of substitutions per site |
ncpu |
Number of threads to use for parallel computation. Recommended. |
searchRoot |
See *dater* |
overrideTempConstraint |
If TRUE (default) will not enforce positive branch lengths in simualtion replicates. Will speed up execution. |
overrideClock |
May be 'strict' or 'additive' or 'relaxed' in which case will force simulations to fit the corresponding model. If ommitted, will inherit the clock model from td |
quiet |
If TRUE will minimize output printed to screen |
normalApproxTMRCA |
If TRUE will use estimate standard deviation from simulation replicates and report confidence interval based on normal distribution |
parallel_foreach |
If TRUE will use the foreach package for parallelization. May work better on HPC systems. |
A list with elements
trees: The fitted treedater objects corresponding to each simulation
meanRates: Vector of estimated rates for each simulation
meanRate_CI: Confidence interval for substitution rate
coef_of_variation_CI: Confidence interval for rate variation
timeOfMRCA_CI: Confidence interval for time of common ancestor
Erik M Volz <[email protected]>
dater parboot
# simulate a tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # make a list of trees that simulate outcome of bootstrap using nonparametric phylogeny estimation # also modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: bootTrees <- lapply( 1:25, function(i) { .tre <- tre .tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * pmax(rnorm( length(tre$edge.length), 1e-3, 1e-4 ), 0 ) .tre }) tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # run treedater td <- dater( tre, sts, s= 1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015 ) # bootstrap: ( tdboot <- boot( td, bootTrees ) ) # plot lineages through time : plot( tdboot )
# simulate a tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # make a list of trees that simulate outcome of bootstrap using nonparametric phylogeny estimation # also modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: bootTrees <- lapply( 1:25, function(i) { .tre <- tre .tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * pmax(rnorm( length(tre$edge.length), 1e-3, 1e-4 ), 0 ) .tre }) tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # run treedater td <- dater( tre, sts, s= 1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015 ) # bootstrap: ( tdboot <- boot( td, bootTrees ) ) # plot lineages through time : plot( tdboot )
Estimate a time-scaled tree and fit a molecular clock
dater( tre, sts, s = 1000, omega0 = NA, minblen = NA, maxit = 100, abstol = 1e-04, searchRoot = 5, quiet = TRUE, temporalConstraints = TRUE, clock = c("strict", "uncorrelated", "additive"), estimateSampleTimes = NULL, estimateSampleTimes_densities = list(), numStartConditions = 1, clsSolver = c("limSolve", "mgcv"), meanRateLimits = NULL, ncpu = 1, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
dater( tre, sts, s = 1000, omega0 = NA, minblen = NA, maxit = 100, abstol = 1e-04, searchRoot = 5, quiet = TRUE, temporalConstraints = TRUE, clock = c("strict", "uncorrelated", "additive"), estimateSampleTimes = NULL, estimateSampleTimes_densities = list(), numStartConditions = 1, clsSolver = c("limSolve", "mgcv"), meanRateLimits = NULL, ncpu = 1, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
tre |
An ape::phylo which describes the phylogeny with branches in units of substitutions per site. This may be a rooted or unrooted tree. If unrooted, the root position will be estimated by checking multiple candidates chosen by root-to-tip regression. If the tree has multifurcations, these will be resolved and a binary tree will be returned. |
sts |
Vector of sample times for each tip in phylogenetic tree. Vector must be named with names corresponding to tre$tip.label. |
s |
Sequence length (numeric). This should correspond to sequence length used in phylogenetic analysis and will not necessarily be the same as genome length. |
omega0 |
Vector providing initial guess or guesses of the mean substitution rate (substitutions per site per unit time). If not provided, will guess using root to tip regression. |
minblen |
Minimum branch length in calendar time. By default, this will be the range of sample times (max - min) divided by sample size. |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations |
abstol |
Difference in log likelihood between successive iterations for convergence. |
searchRoot |
Will search for the optimal root position using the top matches from root-to-tip regression. If searchRoot=x, dates will be estimated for x trees, and the estimate with the highest likelihood will be returned. |
quiet |
If TRUE, will suppress messages during execution |
temporalConstraints |
If TRUE, will enforce the condition that an ancestor node in the phylogeny occurs before all progeny. Equivalently, this will preclude negative branch lengths. Note that execution is faster if this option is FALSE. |
clock |
The choice of molecular clock model. Choices are 'strict'(default), 'uncorrelated', or 'additive' |
estimateSampleTimes |
If some sample times are not known with certainty, bounds can be provided with this option. This should take the form of a data frame with columns 'lower' and 'upper' providing the sample time bounds for each uncertain tip. Row names of the data frame should correspond to elements in tip.label of the input tree. Tips with sample time bounds in this data frame do not need to appear in the *sts* argument, however if they are included in *sts*, that value will be used as a starting condition for optimisation. |
estimateSampleTimes_densities |
An optional named list of log densities which would be used as priors for unknown sample times. Names should correspond to elements in tip.label with uncertain sample times. |
numStartConditions |
Will attempt optimisation from more than one starting point if >0 |
clsSolver |
Which package should be used for constrained least-squares? Options are "mgcv" or "limSolve" |
meanRateLimits |
Optional constraints for the mean substitution rate |
ncpu |
Number of threads for parallel computing |
parallel_foreach |
If TRUE, will use the "foreach" package instead of the "parallel" package. This may work better on some HPC systems. |
Estimates the calendar time of nodes in the given phylogenetic tree with branches in units of substitutions per site. The calendar time of each sample must also be specified and the length of the sequences used to estimate the tree. If the tree is not rooted, this function will estimate the root position. For an introduction to all options and features, see the vignette on Influenza H3N2: vignette("h3n2")
Multiple molecular clock models are supported including a strict clock and two variations on relaxed clocks. The 'uncorrelated' relaxed clock is the Gamma-Poisson mixture presented by Volz and Frost (2017), while the 'additive' variance model was developed by Didelot & Volz (2019).
A time-scaled tree and estimated molecular clock rate
E.M. Volz and Frost, S.D.W. (2017) Scalable relaxed clock phylogenetic dating. Virus Evolution. X. Didelot and Volz, E.M. (2019) Additive uncorrelated relaxed clock models.
Erik M Volz <[email protected]>
ape::chronos ape::estimate.mu
## simulate a random tree and sample times for demonstration # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts , s = 1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015)
## simulate a random tree and sample times for demonstration # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts , s = 1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015)
This function is useful for 'smoothing out' time trees that have many adjacent small branch lengths (essential polytomies). It returns a list of smoothed trees.
gibbs_jitter( dtr, iter = 1000, burn_pc = 20, returnTrees = 10, res = 100, report = 10 )
gibbs_jitter( dtr, iter = 1000, burn_pc = 20, returnTrees = 10, res = 100, report = 10 )
dtr |
A treedater fit |
iter |
Number of iterations (every node time is resampled in each iteration ) |
burn_pc |
Remove this proportion as burnin |
returnTrees |
Integer number of trees to return. |
res |
Time resolution for proposing new node times |
report |
Report progress after this many iterations. Set to Inf to turn it off |
return |
A list of treedater trees |
## Not run: # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts, clock='strict', s = 1000, omega0=.0015 ) gibbs_jitter( td ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts, clock='strict', s = 1000, omega0=.0015 ) gibbs_jitter( td ) ## End(Not run)
The sorted tail probabilties (p values) for each edge in the tree under the fitted model
td |
A treedater object generated by the |
Outliers are detected using the *stats::p.adjust* function and the 'fdr' function. The test requires that *dater* was used with the temporalConstraints=TRUE.
outlierLineages(td, alpha = 0.05, type = c("tips", "internal", "all"))
outlierLineages(td, alpha = 0.05, type = c("tips", "internal", "all"))
td |
A fitted treedater object |
alpha |
The tail probability used for classifying lineages as outliers |
type |
Should outliers be detected on tip lineages, interal lineages, or all lineages? |
A data frame summarizing for each lineage the p values, adjusted p values ('q'), likelihood, rates, and branch lengths.
dater outlier.tips
This is a convient wrapper of the *outlier.lineages*
outlierTips(td, alpha = 0.05)
outlierTips(td, alpha = 0.05)
td |
A fitted treedater object |
alpha |
The tail probability used for classifying lineages as outliers |
A data frame summarizing for each lineage the p values, adjusted p values ('q'), likelihood, rates, and branch lengths.
dater outlier.lineages
This function simulates phylogenies with branch lengths in units of substitutions per site. Simulations are based on a fitted treedater object which provides parameters of the molecular clock model. The treedater method is applied to each simulated tree providing a Monte Carlo estimate of variance in rates and dates.
parboot( td, nreps = 100, ncpu = 1, overrideTempConstraint = TRUE, overrideClock = NULL, overrideSearchRoot = TRUE, overrideSeqLength = NULL, quiet = TRUE, normalApproxTMRCA = FALSE, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
parboot( td, nreps = 100, ncpu = 1, overrideTempConstraint = TRUE, overrideClock = NULL, overrideSearchRoot = TRUE, overrideSeqLength = NULL, quiet = TRUE, normalApproxTMRCA = FALSE, parallel_foreach = FALSE )
td |
A fitted treedater object |
nreps |
Integer number of simulations to be carried out |
ncpu |
Number of threads to use for parallel computation. Recommended. |
overrideTempConstraint |
If TRUE (default) will not enforce positive branch lengths in simualtion replicates. Will speed up execution. |
overrideClock |
May be 'strict' or 'additive' or 'uncorrelated' in which case will force simulations to fit the corresponding model. If ommitted, will inherit the clock model from td |
overrideSearchRoot |
If TRUE, will re-use root position from input treedater tree. Otherwise may re-estimate root position in simulations |
overrideSeqLength |
Optional sequence length to use in simulations |
quiet |
If TRUE will minimize output printed to screen |
normalApproxTMRCA |
If TRUE will use estimate standard deviation from simulation replicates and report confidence interval based on normal distribution |
parallel_foreach |
If TRUE will use the foreach package for parallelization. May work better on HPC systems. |
If the original treedater fit estimated the root position, root position will also be estimated for each simulation, so the returned trees may have different root positions. Some replicates may converge to a strict clock or a relaxed clock, so the parameter estimates in each replicate may not be directly comparable. It is possible to compute confidence intervals for the times of particular nodes or for estimated sample times by inspecting the output from each fitted treedater object, which is contained in the $trees attribute.
A list with elements
trees: The fitted treedater objects corresponding to each simulation
meanRates: Vector of estimated rates for each simulation
meanRate_CI: Confidence interval for substitution rate
coef_of_variation_CI: Confidence interval for rate variation
timeOfMRCA_CI: Confidence interval for time of common ancestor
Erik M Volz <[email protected]>
dater boot
# make a random tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # simulate sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts=sts, s=1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015 ) # parametric bootstrap: pb <- parboot( td, nreps=25 ) # plot lineages through time plot( pb )
# make a random tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # simulate sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts=sts, s=1000, clock='strict', omega0=.0015 ) # parametric bootstrap: pb <- parboot( td, nreps=25 ) # plot lineages through time plot( pb )
Plots lineages through time and confidence intervals estimated by bootstrap.
## S3 method for class 'bootTreedater' plot(x, t0 = NA, res = 100, ggplot = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'bootTreedater' plot(x, t0 = NA, res = 100, ggplot = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, ...)
x |
A bootTreedater object produced by *parboot* or *boot* |
t0 |
The lower bound of the time axis to show |
res |
The number of time points on the time axis |
ggplot |
If TRUE, will return a plot made with the ggplot2 package |
cumulative |
If TRUE, will show only decreasing lineages through time |
... |
Additional arg's are passed to *ggplot* or *plot* |
This function simulates phylogenies with branch lengths in units of substitutions per site. Simulations are based on a fitted treedater object which provides parameters of the molecular clock model. The coefficient of variation of rates is estimated using a relaxed clock model applied to strict clock simulations. Estimates of the CV is then compared to the null distribution provided by simulations.
relaxedClockTest(..., nreps = 100, overrideTempConstraint = T, ncpu = 1)
relaxedClockTest(..., nreps = 100, overrideTempConstraint = T, ncpu = 1)
... |
arguments passed to *dater* |
nreps |
Integer number of simulations |
overrideTempConstraint |
see *parboot* |
ncpu |
Number of threads to use for parallel computation. Recommended. |
This function will print the optimal clock model and the distribution of the coefficient of variation statistic under the null hypothesis (strict clock). Parameters passed to this function should be the same as when calling *dater*.
A list with elements:
strict_treedater: A dater object under a strict clock
relaxed_treedater: A dater object under a relaxed clock
clock: The favoured clock model
parboot: Result of call to *parboot* using fitted treedater and forcing a relaxed clock
nullHypothesis_coef_of_variation_CI: The null hypothesis CV
Erik M Volz <[email protected]>
# simulate a tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 relaxedClockTest( tre, sts, s= 1000, omega0=.0015 , nreps=25)
# simulate a tree tre <- ape::rtree(25) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 relaxedClockTest( tre, sts, s= 1000, omega0=.0015 , nreps=25)
If a range of sample times was given, these will be estimated. Red and black respectively indicate sample and internal nodes. This function will print statistics computed from the linear regression model.
rootToTipRegressionPlot( td, show.tip.labels = FALSE, textopts = NULL, pointopts = NULL, ... )
rootToTipRegressionPlot( td, show.tip.labels = FALSE, textopts = NULL, pointopts = NULL, ... )
td |
A fitted treedater object |
show.tip.labels |
If TRUE, the names of each sample will be plotted at the their corresponding time and evoutionary distance |
textopts |
An optional list of parameters for plotted tip labels. Passed to the *text* function. |
pointopts |
An optional list of parameters for plotted points if showing tip labels. Passed to the *points* function. |
... |
Additional arguments are passed to plot |
The fitted linear model (class 'lm')
## simulate a random tree and sample times for demonstration # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts, clock='strict', s = 1000, omega0=.0015 ) # root to tip regression: fit = rootToTipRegressionPlot( td ) summary(fit)
## simulate a random tree and sample times for demonstration # make a random tree: tre <- ape::rtree(50) # sample times based on distance from root to tip: sts <- setNames( ape::node.depth.edgelength( tre )[1:ape::Ntip(tre)], tre$tip.label) # modify edge length to represent evolutionary distance with rate 1e-3: tre$edge.length <- tre$edge.length * 1e-3 # treedater: td <- dater( tre, sts =sts, clock='strict', s = 1000, omega0=.0015 ) # root to tip regression: fit = rootToTipRegressionPlot( td ) summary(fit)
Compute a vector of numeric sample times from labels in a sequence aligment or phylogeny
sampleYearsFromLabels( tips, dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d", delimiter = NULL, index = NULL, regex = NULL )
sampleYearsFromLabels( tips, dateFormat = "%Y-%m-%d", delimiter = NULL, index = NULL, regex = NULL )
tips |
A character vector supplying the name of each sample |
dateFormat |
The format of the sample date. See ?Date for more information |
delimiter |
Character(s) which separate data in each label |
index |
Integer position of the date string in each label with respect to *delimiter* |
regex |
A regular expression for finding the date substring. Should not be used with *delimiter* or *index* |
Numeric vector with sample time in decimal format.
## A couple of labels for Ebola virus sequences: sampleYearsFromLabels( c('EBOV|AA000000|EM104|SierraLeone_EM|2014-06-02' , 'EBOV|AA000000|G3713|SierraLeone_G|2014-06-09') , delimiter='|' ) ## Equivalently: sampleYearsFromLabels( c('EBOV|AA000000|EM104|SierraLeone_EM|2014-06-02' , 'EBOV|AA000000|G3713|SierraLeone_G|2014-06-09') , regex='[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+')
## A couple of labels for Ebola virus sequences: sampleYearsFromLabels( c('EBOV|AA000000|EM104|SierraLeone_EM|2014-06-02' , 'EBOV|AA000000|G3713|SierraLeone_G|2014-06-09') , delimiter='|' ) ## Equivalently: sampleYearsFromLabels( c('EBOV|AA000000|EM104|SierraLeone_EM|2014-06-02' , 'EBOV|AA000000|G3713|SierraLeone_G|2014-06-09') , regex='[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+')