secsse 3.1.0 (2024-04-30)

Version 3.1.0 fixes a bug in the simulation code that caused trait changes during speciation to not be tracked appropriately. This could, for instance, interfere with conditioning and this bug especially impacted ClaSSE-type simulations.

Minor changes

secsse 3.0.1

Version 3.0.1 patches some inaccuracies in simulation functions, and deprecates expand_q_matrix, as this was making some incorrect assumptions.

Breaking changes

Minor changes

secsse 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 extends the C++ code base used for the standard likelihood to the "cla_" likelihood, harnessing the same computation improvement.

Breaking changes

Major changes

Minor changes

Bug fixes

secsse 2.6.0 (2023-07-06)

Major changes

Minor changes

Bug fixes

secsse 2.5.0 (2023-05-03)

Version 2.5.0 appeared in 2021 on GitHub and was published in May 2023 on CRAN. Version 2.5.0 marks the first version using C++ to perform the integration, and it used tbb (from the RcppParallel package) to perform multithreading. This marks a ten fold increase in speed over previous versions. Secondly, 2.5.0 introduces the function secsse_sim() to simulate a diversification process using the (cla) secsse framework. Lastly, in version 2.5.0 functions were added to allow visualisation of inferred rates of speciation across the tree (e.g. plot_state_exact() and secsse_loglik_eval()).

secsse 2.0.0 (2019-06-25)

Version 2.0.0 appeared in June of 2019 on CRAN and extended the package with the cla framework, e.g. including state shifts during speciation / asymmetric inheritance during speciation.

secsse 1.0.0 (2019-01-30)

The first version of secsse appeared in January of 2019 on CRAN. It used the package deSolve to solve all integrations, and could switch between either using a fully R based evaluation, or use FORTRAN to speed up calculations. Furthermore, using the foreach package, within-R parallelization was implemented. However, parallelization only situationally improved computation times, and generally, computation was relatively slow.