Highlight the most recent common ancestor (MRCA).
# add internal nodenames
birds <- makeNodeLabel(bird.families)
# convert to phylo4 which has a few nice convenicnece methods including the
# ability to get names with nodes.
birds <- phylobase::phylo4(birds)
# get MRCA
node <- phylobase::MRCA(birds,c("Cerylidae", "Upupidae"))
# get the node name
nodename <- names(node)
# highlight all submembers of the MRCA
phylocanvas(birds, width = 700, textsize = 10, nodesize = 10) %>%
select_branch(nodeid=nodename, cascade=T)
To highlight multiple clades, you can identify clades by node nubmer, in this case by MRCA. Then you can stylize the descendant nodes.
phycanv <- phylocanvas(birds, width = 700, textsize = 10, nodesize = 10, treetype = "radial")
nodenames <- get.descendants(birds, nodename)
clade2names <- get.descendants(birds, phylobase::MRCA(birds, c("Pteroclidae", "Jacanidae")))
for (nodename in nodenames) {
phycanv <- style_node(phycanv, nodeid = nodename, fillcolor="green")
for (nodename in clade2names) {
phycanv <- style_node(phycanv, nodeid = nodename, fillcolor="red")