# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "deeptime" in publications use:' type: software license: GPL-3.0-or-later title: 'deeptime: Plotting Tools for Anyone Working in Deep Time' version: doi: 10.31223/X5841N identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.deeptime abstract: Extends the functionality of other plotting packages (notably 'ggplot2') to help facilitate the plotting of data over long time intervals, including, but not limited to, geological, evolutionary, and ecological data. The primary goal of 'deeptime' is to enable users to add highly customizable timescales to their visualizations. Other functions are also included to assist with other areas of deep time visualization. authors: - family-names: Gearty given-names: William email: willgearty@gmail.com orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0076-3262 preferred-citation: type: article title: 'deeptime: an R package that facilitates highly customizable visualizations of data over geological time intervals' authors: - family-names: Gearty given-names: William email: willgearty@gmail.com orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0076-3262 journal: EarthArXiv year: '2024' doi: 10.31223/X5841N repository: https://phylotastic.r-universe.dev repository-code: https://github.com/willgearty/deeptime commit: 93346ae1440e74c047efa20ef760fd12f9db917e url: https://williamgearty.com/deeptime/ contact: - family-names: Gearty given-names: William email: willgearty@gmail.com orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0076-3262